Dear Ones,
I wanted to start a topic to celeberate DS12's accomplishment. He started 8th grade back at our local public middle school, with the goal to be reccomended for the Honors version of EVERY academic subject when he starts high school next year. He just found out that he is one of only a few kids who in fact did get reccomended in every subject. He also has gotten his Mid-year grades, and he has A's in every subject except a 89 average in French.

Perhaps I am most proud of the fact that he keeps track of and does his homework totally independently. He will ask us to proofread his papers and quiz him on items that take memorization, which is a great big step forward. He arrives at class prepared, and keeps his notebook in order. Yippee!!!!! It still pains him to have to put up with certain things beinging 'less than they could be' but he has made much progress in showing it less.

Given that he was gradeskipped two years ago, and had to leave his friends to go to a private school to get that needed gradeskip, he has been through quite a lot to get himself into a situation where he would have a chance to develop academically. He did all that without any local encouragement from anyone except his parents. I'm betting that he would love to hear words of encouragement from you.

Love and More Love,

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