Originally Posted by Belle
Needless to say the 8 yr old's mom just looked like my DS had horns growing out of his head for not wanting to play dino attack.

Sad thing is that many of our kids are sensitive enought to chatch those looks from adults, particularly adults that they spend hours and hours a day with (such as teachers) - do you wonder that we grow up internalizing the idea that we are 'weird?'

this story is a good one to keep in mind when school officials are saying not to accelerate because time with agemates offers such a great chance for kids to learn interpersonal skills. I would guess that this totally varies by individual child, and that as many kids learn to condesend to their classmates as learn appropriate interpersonal skills.

Of course, my DS12's beset moments are when he and his 13 your old (HG?) cousin can play 'typical kid games' together. They really enjoy all the usual kid things with each other. I have to assume that they are doing 'Dino Attack' in their own gwishy way.

I'm thinking of all the variety of ways that adults like to play - from painball to knitting. It varies, but having someone to play with is key!


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