LOL - Are you in the police service? If not, you'd be great. Or perhaps a glamourous private detective?

The two schools are about 10 mins apart, and there aren't really any other choices. I thought another might have been, but it apparently focusses completely on program differentiation as its GT approach - they try to avoid ability grouping for some unfathomable reason. And of course that's just what we're looking for. Another school that has a great reputation is unfortunately one of the most expensive in the city, so out of the picture.

I've visited the school in question, and difference in the children and what they were doing was immediately obvious. And I think he may be quite unhappy - if the aggression issues we've had are related to inadequate challenge and the wrong peer group, as I think they might be. But of course I'm not entirely sure. I might call the school again and see if they can make any estimate of how long a wait we might have for DS4.