I'll second the wordgirl show. Here's a link to some games: Word Girl Games on PBSkids.org

Also, pinky dinky doo is a kids show that introduces more vocab: Pinky Dinky Doo on noggin.com There are games at that site too.

We just discovered Kriston's game on Scrooge musical adaptation of the Christmas Carol. They called it "The Minister's Cat" and it is played by going from person to person, starting with the letter a. 1st person: The minister's cat is an angry cat. 2nd: The minister's cat is an awful cat. 3rd: The minister's cat is alley cat. Then if you can't think of one, that person is out and you move to the next letter. (In our version, we just move on to the next letter without anyone being "out.") Here's a better description: The Minister's Cat Parlour Game

I think if you just keep reading, you'll get more variety in vocabulary. Jan Brett's books for kids sometimes have more interesting vocab. The older versions of fairy tales have very colorful vocab. Good luck!

Last edited by st pauli girl; 01/20/09 07:49 AM. Reason: wrong movie reference