I often played word games with my verbal kids.

One we all enjoyed: we'd name a letter of the alphabet and then say every word we could think of that started with it. I started this when DS7 was about a year old and was obsessed with letter puzzles. I played the game by myself with whatever letter he was holding to keep me from dying of boredom, since he played those puzzles for HOURS every day. As he got older, he just started joining in.

The trick is to stretch yourself. Reach for hard words. Don't just say "jump" and "juggle" for the letter j, say "jovial" and "jocund." (Or whatever) Bonus points for words that sound funny and make your child laugh. smile

Don't feel like you have to know the meanings of all the words. Keep the dictionary handy and look stuff up. Great modeling!

In fact, just take the dictionary out and flip through it with her, reading new words. Dictionaries and encyclopedias are gold mines for GT kids! Especially the verbal ones!

As she gets older, you might try the last letter game (or maybe you could adapt it to make it easier for a toddler). You start with an "a" word like "apple." That ends in "e," so I'd say "esoteric," which ends in "c" so you'd say "colloquial," and so on. Es and Ys get hard fast, so use them sparingly unless you want to stick it to someone. Great for car trips!
