I always wonder what secret pain people are covering up. People do such a good job putting a mask over their hurts that often we have no idea what people have been through.

I was getting a big copy job done a few weeks ago and the woman who was helping me wasn't being very helpful. Since it was a big job, we spent a long time together and gradually I got her to warm up to me. It turned out a friend had died that morning but she had had to come into work anyway. Once I knew that I could see that she was genuinely trying to be professional but just didn't have the energy to be there that day. By the time we left, we were "friends" and I gave her a big hug. It was very rewarding to connect with her.

I mostly try to respect people's privacy and no pry into their secrets, but in this case it came naturally and I think it helped her. But I still, even when I don't know what it going on, try to think about how many different hardships ordinary people go through.

As Will Rogers said, "I've traveled a long way and some of the roads weren't paved."