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This is totally off topic but I was just wondering...

What do you wonder about other people, about strangers that you see on the street?

I always wonder what they do all day long...what they do for a living. I also wonder what book they are currently reading at home. I don't know why those 2 things interest me, but i guess if i knew what everyone did for a living and whatbook they were reading, I would know a lot about them.

Do you ever wonder things about people? I am a huge "people watcher" so maybe this is just a weird me thing I don't know!
My DH and DD are both people watchers. This is not a skill I have, but I admire it.
I've always loved to sit and "people watch" in airports. Long layovers were never a problem for me. I try to figure out whether they're flying to meet loved ones or have just left.
Oh I make up whole life stories... LOL I don't remember which one, but one of the Agatha Christie stories (probably a Poirot) had a character who was a mystery writer, who said the worst thing in the world was to know too much about a person because then that story you'd made up about ~why~ they were on the bus at such an odd time of day carrying that enormous bag and with their hair a mess but looking so pleased with themselves, would just get shot full of holes. (I'm paraphrasing of cousre... When she wrote it, it sounded more proper and English... LOL)

I guess if I had to narrow it down, I'd say I always wonder who they were last talking to, and where they're going. But I can usually make up a convincing answer. wink
hahaha I was going to tell you all that I make up stories about them, but in my mind it just sounded too weird! I totally make up stories about their lives and what they are doing at that particular moment! So glad there are others like me lol!
Oh, yes! Story weaving while people watching is a great way to pass the time! smile

Be warned: it can lead to novel writing, which is not terribly productive...

I used to be a big people watcher when I was younger. I must be to far up in my own head lately, it seems I don't even notice people operating around me unless they are people I know........
LOL Kriston!!
Originally Posted by inky
I've always loved to sit and "people watch" in airports. Long layovers were never a problem for me. I try to figure out whether they're flying to meet loved ones or have just left.

This is me too! I love airports. Well, I did - the people watching was more fun when I didn't have to chase a bored child around.
I always wonder what secret pain people are covering up. People do such a good job putting a mask over their hurts that often we have no idea what people have been through.

I was getting a big copy job done a few weeks ago and the woman who was helping me wasn't being very helpful. Since it was a big job, we spent a long time together and gradually I got her to warm up to me. It turned out a friend had died that morning but she had had to come into work anyway. Once I knew that I could see that she was genuinely trying to be professional but just didn't have the energy to be there that day. By the time we left, we were "friends" and I gave her a big hug. It was very rewarding to connect with her.

I mostly try to respect people's privacy and no pry into their secrets, but in this case it came naturally and I think it helped her. But I still, even when I don't know what it going on, try to think about how many different hardships ordinary people go through.

As Will Rogers said, "I've traveled a long way and some of the roads weren't paved."
Returning late to the party...

acs, you are just such a nice person! I'm glad to know you! smile
blush Ah, but a brutally honest nice person who is also a bit of a grump! It's a package deal.
It's a good package. I can totally identify with nice, brutally honest and grumpy! You fit me like a glove, friend! wink
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