She will be my third that will be in this program so I am very familiar. It is not perfect but the vibe and the teachers that are there are great. She get b's in her current gifted class and understands she will unlikely gets A's due to her eyes and she is learningthat what she knows she has learned is more valuable than a grade.

The teachers are experts with these kids it is the admin.

the test was not the SB Lm it was the SBV and the WISC IV, the SB was slightly lower than the WISc but Linda Silverman clearly included in her written evaluation she is highly gifted and Ld but can be successful with the recommendaed accomadations. When they follow the 504 we are Ok, it is the CoGAT that they want her to take and the WISc they want her to retake using thier internal psych that is the problem. Why have these to retake if they are after what is best for her>

i cannot find the mentioned writs law sectionon using existing testing... can you direct me? I am still looking.

You are so helpful thanks!