I decided to start a new thread on an old story thinking that some of you might be interested in what I have found out so far.

To re-cap... My son,Ghost, is in 7th grade. Greately accomodated in math, not so any more in other subjects. Started advocating for him this year to take science classes at local HS - not the best idea in the eys of our P and v-P, but they did not say no!
We are seriously considering IB program at a HS that is almost 1 hour away !!!! A very reputable program.

H and I met with a GC at the mentioned HS this am. She is a councelor for ELP/AP/IB programs (all are called IB track program). ELP is an Extended Learning Program offered to 7 and 8 grade students who have the highest scores at a district administered test. Cream of the crop. Ghost does not qualify as he is an out of district student. (I was thinking about contacting a Governor today as to his case - that is about the last option I have - but this one hour commute does not look like something Ghost would like to undertake earlier than necessary).
Anyway, looks like this IB program is a very flexible one. Kids actually take both, AP and IB classes. There is not going to be a problem with Ghost taking AP Calculus BC as a freshman, and for 10 and 11 grade he can take math at the U of U. He will need to take IB Math in 12 grade. The same goes for science. If he has prerequisites under his belt, he can take AP classes as early as 9th grade and write AP exams as a freshman.
Since we are considering studies in Europe for one year, I asked about a gap year. Not a problem! She suggested 10 grade as being the best, will give him credit for all if he makes sure and takes appropriate level classes while abroad.
We are still thinking and talking, searching for opinions - so please post yours - but the plan for today is as follows:
7th grade - Algebra 2 and regular 7th grade science class at
school, supplemented by an online Earth Sciences
class at BYU
Summer between 7/8grade - THINK
8th grade - Pre calc and introductory biology or chemistry
or physics at a local HS.
After that IB program along with some classes at U of U.
Still haven't figure out the English aspect of it all.
Oh, and he will most likely be able to take Spanish 3 once he gets to HS level.
