Hi AMS's Mom -

Oh my gosh that is a resounding yes! Holy Cow. My son wakes up talking and goes to bed talking. He loves to explain "everything".

If you have any secrets to let me in on or tips that would be great. If we truly are alloted ten thousand words a day, my son uses his up by Noon -- and by bedtime it's all I can do not to grind my teeth somedays.

The flip side to this is that he's a great conversationalist and he see's things through not only a child's eyes but he has also has this really different perspective that's fun to see, and we have many many in-depth fun conversations. I am excited to see what he's going to be like at a teenager.

His father on the other hand is brilliant but never tested (He's from Italy, and didn't have that stuff where he went to school), and quiet unless it's a subject he passionate about and then he's off to the races.

Do you ever find that your children like or prefer a routine? I know that routines are important in our house as well.