This is a half humorous/half serious question...I know that all kids talk a lot, but do you think GT kids talk exponentially more? My DD5 just simply cannot be quiet! She said her first word at 3wks (ma) and hasn't stopped since. My brain gets so numb from the constant chatter that I drop things, lose my train of thought, forget how to do whatever I am doing at the time, etc. I try so hard to be patient and either answer her questions or acknowledge her statements but after an hour and a half of constant talk, I can't take anymore.
For instance, last night at dinner she was talking so much (and I was acknowledging her statements so much) that I finally had to stop her and say "sweetie I can't chew my food b/c I have to stop every other second to say 'uh huh' or 'mmmm'. I am swallowing food before it is thoroughly chewed in order to respond to you. Can you please eat and minimize the words you are saying?" She said yes, took a bite of macs and launched right back in to another 10-minute-straight-with-no-breaks conversation! I stopped her then and asked if she remembered I had asked her to stop talking and she said yes. Is there a technique I am missing? Has anyone else had any luck in this department?
I have half humorously/half seriously joked with my husband (who is 2E himself and just as exhausting) that I think I need to either keep a cocktail glued to my hands or get a prescription for an anxiety pill or something! crazy