Hello, I am new here but have enjoyed reading all of the information posted. Thank you so much for all of your insight!

We are very fortunate to live in an area that has a Charter school for gifted kids (145+). Our son will be in kindergarten next year, so this is our year to have him tested. I have already chosen a psychologist and have spoken with her. She said that he will be evaluated against children at his exact age (e.g. 4y, 3mo today) but that kids who are a little older typically have more maturity when they test (e.g. can sit still longer, etc.) so she recommends waiting until they are 4.5+ (the application deadline is not until January). I think he would be just fine sitting with a tester for an hour and is likely to really enjoy it, and as such, I wonder if he might score "ahead" more now than a few months from now when some of his peers may "catch up." Any thoughts/advice? Thanks in advance!