Thanks, Lorel!

We met yesterday - and I was pleasantly surprised. His concern was not academic, but social-emotional, and the issues he raised are all valid points, imo. This program is so intense for the first year that these kids have to give up their entire social life and outside activities. Teacher wanted to make sure we (and dd) knew that, and are prepared should she choose to pursue it. After that first year, they are "launched" onto the campus of 40,000 students - the peer group is decidedly different from what they would find in high school. DD is not clearly focused on a career path at this time, too - if she absolutely KNEW she wanted to be an engineer or doctor, that would be one thing, but she doesn't.

I did detect a teensy bit of jealousy/competition regarding his dd, but I feel confident that he will give mine a decent rec. He wanted to make sure we as a family know what this might entail. And I always say, the more information, the better.

Thanks to all of you for your words of support - they really helped my mental state! grin