No, Ghost did not change his stand.
He does not want to be accelerated to 8th grade at this point. Reasons are PE, friends, girls, girls again (yep, he is already getting into this stage and realizes that older girls won't have anything to do with him). He will accept anything but a comlete grade skip.
Over the weekend a poster from CC e-mailed me a long story of her son's math and sciences acceleration. A great story of perserverance, luck, and just searching for the best options. He started to be accelerated in 7th grade. By 8th grade he was done with AP Calculus BC and AP Physics.All through HS he was allowed to proceed on his own. He is starting his second year at Harvard this fall.

So this am at the school I spoke again briefly with DD LA teacher (the one that started the whole commotion). She is visibly advocating a full grade skip for DD, I am still not so sure about it. She knows Ghost really well (her son and him are best buddies)and still told me that if he does not want to skip, that is his problem and that I should not hold back DD because of family dynamics. She does have a point. Anyway, we started looking for Principal and she was nowhere to be found. Then I found the Principal and together we started looking fo LA teacher. While walking the hallways, I explained to P. what it was all about. She was open to discussing the situation but very much against the whole grade skip. Anyway, it was really late by the time the three of us found each other and now I have 1:30 P.M. meeting to discuss Ghost and I was promised that by this time she will look into my D situation.

Now, lets talk about what we want to advocate for Ghost. We want him to be moved to 8grade LA at least and do some kind of an online course (like during LA. We also will be asking for an individual course of study in Science.Since the school worry so much about end of level testing, we will propose that Ghost takes end of level in a month or so(mock end of level), to prove that he is ready (I think that one month will be plenty to cover 7th grade science curricula) and during classes be allowed to take online chemistry and physics rom BYU.
He is far enough in math already, he needs to start using this knowledge in other subjects.
Any suggestions as to my arguments? I still have more than 3 hours to brainstorm. Will be checking back frequently.