Help me please guys!
Today DD LA teacher summoned me at dismissal time and said that we have to move my DD ahead in LA and probably also in Math.

She told me that my DD is practically waisting time in her LA class and is "so ahead of other kids, I can't even begin to explain" (teacher's words).
I could not talk to her at lenght, it was more like a one minute conversation because Ghost was going rafting and I had to drop him off right after school. She (teacher) said that we can either try changing her math and LA classes so she will be taking those subjects with 6th graders (she is in 5th grade, young fifth grade, her birthday is end od May), which will totally "screw her schedule" (teacher's words:-O ),
or we can grade skip her into 6th. DD wants to grade skip but purely for prestige. I would do it but..
I have Ghost who has flatly refused today to listen to any arguments (the school would grade skip him into 8th at my request, they have tests to attest to it). Ghost says that he is going to be bullied, will look like a total nerd, will be the worst kid in PE class ( he is not the best in team sports), and presents an absolutely NO, don't even think about it attitude. I had about 30 min to talk to Ghost and DH about it, they are gone rafting now for the weekend, but DH (who absolutely wants to grade skip both of them as well, can't figure why?)promised that he will have some conversations with Ghost over the weekend ( I am thinking like when? as they are going over rapids?)
Anyone in the house who did grade skip kids in middle school?
As you know from my earlier posts, I do have reservations about grade skipping and it's affects on HS life. Ghost is becoming very social lately, in 7th grade there is a good body of his, they are planning to start film club at the school.