My DS is PG and attends a private school - so I expect our accomodations are a bit unusual. However, it works really well, so it might be worth asking about.

The school allows him to leave the regular classroom 3 hours a week to work with the private tutor. It has worked really well.

She has worked with him on everything from math to motor skills and social skills depending on what is going on at school at the time. Best of all to me, she has a presence in the school anyway - tutoring other kids - so she is able to keep an eye on him during stressful times.

Anyway - we find that our kids aren't interested in enrichment at home on weekdays. Too much homework and they end up burned out on school by the end of the day. We have done some enrichment on the weekend with ambitious art projects and some physics lessons - but the tutor during the school day works best for us.

