Originally Posted by playandlearn
DS's situation has improved tremendously over last year) is sick today, so they got a sub. teacher today. She talked about probability during the math session, then let the kids do worksheets. Now DS is an amazing little mathematician, and he finished the worksheets in a few minutes' time. He was already done when the teacher got to him while doing her rounds in the classroom. She got really mad, and said that there is no way that DS could finish the worksheets in so little time because "no one can be THAT good". She said it must be because DS wasn't listening to her during her instructional time and started working on the worksheets early. DS felt this was incredibly unfair. He came home crying, and for the first time said that he hates school, and he wants to be just like everyone else.

I think many gifted kids can be extra sensitive to unfairness on the part of adults. This seems to me to be a situation by an ignorant teacher. If she has never encountered HG kids, then the logical answer is that your DS must have worked on the worksheets early. Have you talked to your son about how some people might not know about kids with his kind of abilities, especially strangers, and sometimes he has to just ignore comments like this? (of course, a psychologist will have better advice, but I think sometimes kids can't understand why an adult would behave unfairly.)

Also, although your school doesn't have a gifted program, have you met with anyone about getting more appropriate materials for your DS? Don't give up just because no official program is available. As I have learned from others here, even if there is a gifted program, most of those are geared toward MG kids, and your HG DS probably still would need more. Here's a link to Davidson's advocacy guidebook, Davidson Advocacy guidebook and there is more help on hoagiesgifted.org on advocacy.

HTH, and good luck