Originally Posted by lara
I'm also curious as to how many of you have read "Misdiagnosis and Dual Diagnoses of Gifted Children and Adults: ADHD, bipolar, OCD, Asperger's, depression, and other disorders" It was a great resource for me in coming to terms with my own experiences.

Anyway, glad to see the site up.

LOL Lara! Welcome!
yes, you see we've almost all read Misdiagnosis and Dual Diagnosis because so many of our children act out in confusing was when unaccomidated! My son amoung them - Read the "crash and burn" thread if you want a good scare. Then read the reccomended resources for the Ruf checklists, and the what kind of schools are needed for another good scare. Basically you know the high price of unaccomidation, and it sounds like your DD may have the "taint" worse than you did.

Homeschooling is a wonderful althernative, and there are many curriculums that can be modified to give your daughter the advanced work she needs. "K-12" in particular has a gifted package that some families I know use as a backbone. Once the high school years come (around age 9, sometimes) you can use EPGY's online high school for gifted kids.

Alternativly, you can go the gradeskip routine. It's not to late to put into effect even now. I would put a request in writing to ask the school to evaluate her for a grade skip ASAP. You can point to the note and explain that she has certain learning needs that must be met so that she can relax enough to work on her social maturity.

Another avenue to consider is getting IQ and achievement testing privatly, but don't just go to your local child psychologist. You will want to travel if nescessary to get your child to someone who is used to testing Highly and Profoundly gifted children. Once you have test scores, I do reccomend applying to YSP if your daughter qualifes.

My guess is that if you've already found and read MisDiagnosis and Dual Diagnosis, that your daughter's intensity is "public" enough that you've already gotten lots of "looks." If so, sorry.

Good luck, and Welcome!

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