Thanks for the words of wisdom. I struggle with the decision in large part because of my own baggage - isn't it always the way. I went to a lot of different schools (more than 1 a year on average), and really don't want that to be my children's experience. So when I get complete dismay as the reaction to my mild suggestions of "maybes", it really plays on my concerns. When we finally did settle down I was in my early teens, and I still have the friends I had then. Some of them have been friends since early primary school, and I do tend to romanticise that constancy. Though on the other hand I cherish the friends I've come across later in life who I've clicked with in a different way. There aren't many of them, so I'm really drawn to the idea of providing my boys with more opportunities than I had to find kindred spirits at an early age.

Oh Dottie - I laughed at the "mama knows best" - I can just picture the look on his face if I suggested that. Perhaps if I was more certain that I did then it would be easier to convince him. Though on second thoughts maybe not, his opinions are pretty firm in that regard. Obviously he didn't get his decisiveness from me.