I am going to give a slightly different point of view. I moved my kids to an environmental charter school, thinking that since they use Terra Nova scores at the beginning and end of the year, I would actually see progress. Oldest likes animals, and youngest likes to move around, so the subject matter and hikes seem ideal.

My oldest son has had a lot of difficulty in adapting, despite the fact that he was happy to go at first and that he met many of the kids in the summer. I am going through a lot to get him help coping right now. He is the type of kid who likes having stability and safety, so this new school completely threw him off.

That said, the way he is acting is giving us a chance to see some issues that might have appeared later, when we had less change to help him. My child is possibly 2E too, but that is what we are attempting to discover.

In the end, the decision is yours. I still think I made the right one. This school works with me in ways that the other one did not. But, that doesn't mean I don't have moments of regret.

Good luck on your decision.