Well, since you liked my notes, here are some more tidbits.

I believe he said that rapid cycling pediatric bi-polar disorder is the fad diagnosis de jour. Said it wasn't in the DSM. Didn't take many notes here.

Eeyore is an example of dysthymic disorder depression.

LD's are often overlooked b/c of GT

Talked a lot re: differences b/n auditory-sequential and visual-spatial learners and pointed out that they often marry each other. smile

Mentioned Linda Silverman's name re: study of asynchronous development

In this regard, "judgment lags behind intellect."

GT kids may be more prone to ADHD; GT brains develop differently

consider the appropriate educational placement of the child - likely to be off-task if inappropriately placed.

Kids with ADHD or Asperger's tend to be the same way across the board - at school, home, the playground.

HG kids more likely to have allergies and asthma.

Interesting comment re: existensial depression - "feel like an alien waiting for the alien ship to come and get him" Once in it, can't get out of it. This was where he mentioned Irving Yalom.

Also said there's nothing wrong with second opinions. Happens in medicine, nothing wrong with it in psychology.