I know this topic has been discussed before, but I'm too lazy to dig through posts!

I'm curious to know who has had their child assessed for CAPD and gotten a diagnosis. I'm wondering now whether MrWiggly might have a mild form of this. I discovered a form of it that refers to a "tolerance/fading memory subtype" of CAPD and the symptoms sound like some of what we are dealing with -
"�Tolerance/Fading Memory� subtype

Often seems to �ignore� people, especially if engrossed.

Hears less well, or is less attentive/productive, in ordinarily busy surroundings.

Difficulty following a series of spoken directions.

Unusually forgetful of information previously memorized (such as multiplication tables, correct spelling), or of household or school routines and responsibilities, despite frequent reminders."

He has a history of one ear infection, chronic fluid in his ears (probably for 6-10 months at least), language development delay and then tubes in his ears at 23 months - with language and cognitive skills exploding after getting the tubes put in! His sound sensitivity is resolving but still evident and I've gotten to where I just consider it part of his OEs. But today I'm wondering if he should be checked for CAPD. If I take my own advice as an OT I'd just test him to rule it out. But I wanted to know if you guys think I'm overreacting or being obsessive. His working memory was low, like so many GT's when tested, but still above age level - just relatively lower than all his other skills on the SB5.

Functionally I'm just noticing that he has a hard time following what we are saying when we do homework. Last night he really struggled attending to and following what I was saying as we tried to get a short paper written for his gifted class. Am I blowing this out of proportion??