Thanks everyone - I just came back this morning and saw your replies.

Lorel - We'll look at Hampshire. It would be good to try for a competitive college - she scores very high on national testing and another thing she loves about her new school is that she is surrounded by intelligent, creative, stimulating High School kids - but who aren't cookie cutter learners :O)

Grinity - yes, the school does have a college counselor, who has already taken them this year to visit some west coast colleges. Since theirs is a small school, they tend to see their students go to smaller, liberal arts colleges for undergrad because it shadows the more intimate experience of their High School years, where they can be known for who they are and not get lost in an educational process. I haven't directly asked him about places that might understand 'giftedness' - meaning when it manifests in a more complicated way rather than in great thinking or work - that was a question I just thought about, so I will approach him next chance I get... perhaps I'll have some feedback for you!