I�m also sorry that your son is so lonely. My DS10 in entering 6th also. He probably should be going into 7th grade instead, but we weren�t offered that option when it was most appropriate. I understand the issue well.

Have you applied to Davidson YS program? As Dottie mentioned regarding her son, my DS was amazed by the educational circumstances of some kids he met. He really considered the grade skip �on the table� this summer, as well as, home-schooling after meeting other boys his age who have been allowed to progress as needed. Unfortunately, he feels that he has to interact much longer than a few days or a week before a relationship moves past the �acquaintance� stage, so he hasn�t tried to keep in touch with anyone he met this summer.

He is the type of kid who has a few good friends (outside of school) and many acquaintances. He holds his potential friends to such a high standard of loyalty, honesty, treatment of others, that very few make the �cut�. Likewise, many classmates who have known him since he was a very young asynchronous and sensitive boy dislike him still even though he has evened out nicely now.

I advise my son to try not to express every thought and emotion to the world. Consider �proportionality� when he reacts to others and come home and vent to me instead. Your son will have to shift that focus to you or someone else now that your father has passed.

I really dislike the bullying dogma that many schools have embraced in recent years. It basically averts responsibility from the school, and blame from the bully. Instead, it decrees that the target is to blame for attracting or failing to deflect the aggression of the bully. I do agree with the new assertion that bullies have extremely positive self concepts and sometimes exhibit leadership skills (in a sociopathic sort of way). So what! So do most other violent criminal who has ever filled out a self-report inventory. I would suggest you look into your schools bullying policy with a very critical eye. Don�t assume that just because it was developed by a PhD, it�s meaningful.

Keep posting here. We all do our best to help others.