Hi all,

I have a question about my eldest (8). He goes to an ability grouped school and has effectively skipped to grade 4.

For those whose kids skipped or who skipped themselves: how hard or easy was the skip initially?

For mine, the work in the core subjects (reading/LA, spelling) is marginally more difficult. In spelling for example, he says that the bonus words "can be challenging!" He does very well on reading tests. Science is pretty easy but they do new topics (eg plants) and so he enjoys it. That said, I think he could have just done the grade 5 course (he likes to listen in on the grade 5 lesson during study time after he's done his work). He heard them talking about traits one day and asked me to tell him all about traits on the way home. Now he uses the word/concept all the time.

He really enjoys subjects like social studies (state history in grade 4) and music. Great.

Math is a mish-mash, with his teacher getting him through the stuff in 6-8 that we skipped last year and me covering the algebra. This area is mostly a reasonable challenge. The goal is to get it all done this year so he can do geometry next year, though I expect to continue going through elements of 2nd year algebra with him then. He likes it and besides, I don't want him to start forgetting stuff.

My concern is that spelling and science and possibly reading are still too easy. I don't really know what to do. On the one hand, he seems mostly happy, but on the other hand, there's still the issue of lack of challenge. My feeling right now is that a move up in science would be a good thing. I'm less concerned about reading and spelling. Some easy stuff is good.

I don't want to push him if he doesn't want to move forward, nor do I want him to feel overwhelmed. But I do think he'd benefit from the more technical 5th grade science. Yet I don't want to be pushy...I'm planning on bringing the 5th grade book home to examine, but I don't really know how to approach the teacher (see: not wanting to be pushy). Advice welcome.

I know this is a nice problem to have! But I still wonder about what to do.

Advice welcome.

