We have two children almost exactly two years apart (same due date, different B-days). My husband didn�t think he wanted to have any children, but I could tell he would be a good father, so I told him that I wanted three and we ended up with two which was my true target number. Both kids were �surprises� and were born within three years of our wedding.

My daughter has always been good natured and healthy. Still, I was way more exhausted than other moms that I knew because she was never physically or mentally idle. I mentioned previously that she was almost continuously carried (by me) for her first year. Additionally, she learned to cruise at 5 or 6 months and walk at 9 months. Neither of my kids ever tried to crawl.

When I became pregnant with our son, it was bittersweet. I really worried that I would not love another baby as much as I loved our daughter. Of course, I learned that those concerns were ridiculous. Although the love increased, I don�t think the effort did beyond my son�s first year. They are definitely good for each other and complement each other. They also keep the other humble.

DS adores his sister. Although he sometime argues with her, he defends her passionately to us or anyone. DD is fairly accepting of, and recognizes that her brother is a whole different level of smart than she is. She is comforted to know that she is more popular and earns better grades than him. Most of her friends, including at least two who are most defiantly HG include him in their group. She acts as a social conduit for him.