Hi Dear Ones,
I certianly didn't know were to put this post, but I'm sticking it here, because our collective wisdom about family size and giftedness is a resource.

The does giftedness matter when it comes to deciding how many children to have? What are some of the issues that commonly come up? And why do so many of the experts say that having more than one child is one of the best things one can do for an unusually gifted kid? When it works well, it seems to like an enviable situation. But the possible downsides are many, and can be serious. Then there is the issue that many of us do not have a choice, and discussions as though the topic was a matter of choice can be painful.

Here's the link to the posts were this came up.
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The discussion starts about halfway down page one, with post #2885. Acs raises some excellent points on this question.
Does anyone else have any thing to add? I know that for my DH and I the decision NOT to try for a second child was a difficult one, long and sad. I mostly wanted to bring up the issue because it is often not able to be spoken about, and I think that we, here, could be able to speak usefully about it.

Love and More Love,