Hi Trin,
In think the difference in opinion as to which subject is easiest to pursue as self study has to do with the child�s greatest areas of interest. I would hate for DS to miss the instruction in literature class, but he could probably already fill out a family tree of the Greek gods, including corresponding tales and Roman counterparts. He would benefit more from classroom instruction in math. Some subjects such as vocabulary and spelling would be very easy to accomplish with self-study.

As far as the �pre� in the algebra, they get plenty of it in regular sixth grade math, and I would assume regular seventh grade math. The only ability group they provide at the school is for math beginning in seventh. The higher level for 7th is called pre-algebra, followed by algebra in 8th (if they pass). If the child takes regular grade math in 7th, they take pre-algebra in 8th grade. It may be counter to the school culture to refer to any class as �honors�.