I agree with the comments above that if school gifted programs were less �fun� and more �academic� there may be fewer sore feelings about not being included. I would not cry if the whole �pull-out system� were replaced with early entrance, ability grouping (not tracking), subject acceleration and grade skips. Separate schools for 145+ would be ideal also. Of course, there will always be those who assert that individuals should not be moved forward academically because others may feel bad if another student is stronger in a subject and think it is social suicide for a gifted child to stand out (or away) from the group in any way.

Dottie, you are right that administrators should recognize that parents have evaluated their child�s situation far more extensively than anyone else. I also think there is something qualitatively different about parents who are willing to risk being socially ostracized to advocate for their children�s needs. They are probably far less concerned about �appearances� than those who allege a motive of prestige.