What type of thing is you 1st grader interested in for math, xoxosmom? Does he have a passion or interest in some particular area of math? That might help jog my fuzzy brain for ideas or suggestions? My first thought was the School House Rock video called Numbers Rock, although your DS might be above that by now. I swear that is how my DS taught himself multiplication. You can memorize the multiplication tables super fast due to their catchy songs! I don't know if you are old enough to remember those commercials between Saturday morning cartoons or not... But I used to watch the cartoons just to see the commercials. I loved Science Rock and History Rock too, and can still sing the Preamble to the Constitution some thirty years later. It was carved in my brain like the lyrics to Gilligan's Island. blush

Other than that, the only math type game that we used were the Jumpstart computer games that we checked out free from the library. Other library games for math included Carmen Sandiego Math Detective and there were a few Star Wars math games, such as Jabba's Game Galaxy. You might be more interested in serious educational avenues instead of cheesy fluff, but sometimes cheesy fluff is what is needed after sitting in school all day. We just aimed for the educational cheesy fluff! grin

I'm sure that others can chime in for more serious options...

Mom to DS12 and DD3