Bored, that is.
I know I've been a big proponent here about teaching kids that boredom is a fact of life, but I'm hearing that 'B' word come out of GS9's mouth a bit too often when he talks about school. Short term solutions are widening the gap between what he knows and the classroom material. I give him math challenge & logic books a couple years above his grade level, I keep him supplied with plenty of his choice reading material(fiction or class related non-fiction), he's in chorus, daily gifted program, art after school, scouts, and farm related activities. We're playing chess daily and starting 10-15 minutes of studying spanish together.
I thought all this extra stuff would be the solution to keeping the 'B' word at bay, but I think it's just making it more apparent to him that he's wasting time on classroom activites when he has more interesting things he could be doing.
I decided last school year that a skip is not in his best interest at this time, I wanted to get him to middle school where I'd advocate for a skip. Now I'm not sure. I don't want him to tune out of school now. His grades are really, really good but he's starting to blow them off as, "yah, another 100, yawn".
I'm trying to find something he's really passionate about. He likes a LOT of things but he likes company when doing work so he hasn't dug deep into anything at school. Conferences are coming up in 3-4 weeks, so I'll ask his teacher if she's heard the dreaded 'B' word at school.