well, I am VS and dysgraphic- and when I was young I couldn't understand phonetics. Actaully at this point I couldn't be called an expert. smile

As and adult I grew to understand them. But I still can't really spell. I learned to read by memorizing, context clues and by the shape of the word. But not by phonics. Generally when I read quickly, I take in the whole page at one time. I read very well and always have.

I took a placement test for college, it's a test they give to adults who have been out in the world before they start taking classes. I scored in the 99% in all the reading sections. I score in the 10% in writing.

I ended up taking a remidial writing course, the first night we wrote something. The next class the instuctor told me to "always write all assignments on a computer". He wouldn't accept work that was hand written from me. I got an "A" in the class.

I found the computer very useful in learning to write, and learning phonetics. There is a feature on them that will read what you have typed. It's was very useful.

I am sad to say the I tried serveral times to learn other languages, but while I sound great.... I have no idea what I am saying and it has always been a bust. I was able to retain a small amount of french.

I was able to learn a fair amount of sign language and I can carry on short conversations with it. It is a visual language thought, so, there ya go.

This sound sort of funny but DS7 had a toy that he played with for hours and I think was key in teaching him phonetics. It also helped me to some degree. Just because I listen to so much. My spelling has improved. It was a leap pad toy refridgrator magnet. The kid takes the letter and puts it in the base and the magnets says the name of the letter and it's phonetic sounds. DS7 is probably not a visual spatial thinker...... he could be, I'm no expert. He doesn't have any of the ususal earmarks.

I hope this is helpful. I really don't like talking about this stuff, when I do very often people look at me with a half cocked head and squwintey eyes.

Last edited by ienjoysoup; 10/19/08 03:37 AM. Reason: bad wording