Hi Frustrated,

Our son was the same way. I, too, think you have a legal right to the IQ reading. We found his out by hiring a psychologist to test. Our son was an underacheiver with one of 153. He hated school until he got into a sci tech H.S. What about sending him to a community college, or jr. college is another name for it, near your house? Then, he could transfer to a 4yr. for his jr. year. If he knows what career he wants, getting him a mentor/volunteer in that area may inspire him to work for that goal. It's possible that jr. coll. would accept him once they see his IQ and if he tests in the upper 90's %. Our son's classroom grades weren't stellar (failed to hand hw in) but the SAT's and other data got him in. I recommend having him take the SAT's. You'd probably be surprised at the results. Here our son was, making c's and d's in 6th grade, yet getting into the Johns Hopkins SAT program in 6th grade, scoring above the average h.s. jr. I hope this might encourage you. I thought I'd pull my hair out. I was so frustrated for so long that I quipped, "Get ready to pump gas for the rest of your life." He's 27 and earning a Ph.d. There is hope once they find their true peer group.