My oldest daughter has motor dysgraphia and my oldest twin definately has some fine motor problems. We don't push handwriting either. My oldest does some each day but a lot of work is computer oriented or done orally to take this into account. This year we finally started a penmanship book with her that she does an exercise a day, no more. She is now 8. My younger daughter does minimal handwriting each day as well. We often use a white board, unrelated to any specific lesson so as not to take away from it. We again try to work with the computer or orally with her as well.

I have found that they spend so much time and effort on the writing that they can't process what they are writing about. My oldest does very poorly in "written expression" because she can't write and express at the same time very well. My youngest will take more time to evaluate but I have definately learned not to push to hard. She has been evaluated by a PT and they wanted her pushed to a certain extent but only so far. i.e. she has to finish coloring in a box not just put a little color on it, more that type of thing verses actual writing letters and numbers. She is 5 by the way. I would rather not push and keep them interested in learning. My youngest just finished first grade science with me reading all the answers and marking what she said. She loved the learning!

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