squirt - you earn the games after completing certain levels of quicktables - e.g., 60%, 80%, etc. I think the first game or two come earlier than 20%, but don't remember. And if the time is too fast, go into the parent account and then look at quicktables report, click on the little bar graph and it will pull up a detailed page where you can adjust the time limit. Ours was set at 3 seconds automatically. You can also make worksheets and create a keypad (I guess to click on rather than type?).

DS hasn't done anything really other than the assessment or quicktables. It appears on the couple of exercises he did do that it moves rapidly, only requiring a couple of right answers, then a couple to review the same thing next time, and then it moves on. Very different from EPGY where there were a lot of questions on the same thing and it took a long time to get beyond it. (Or so it seemed.)