If he has 70% on pre-alg assessment with gaps, you might want to call them and ask what they suggest. I talked to a higher level(?) person I think, who recommended that DD actually finish the pie completely before I moved her up. Something to consider.

However, she was bored so I did not take the advice and moved her up manually myself, she was at about 95% finished with pie. I then manually sent her an assessment before she even started to make sure she picked up anything she may have missed.

Just for giggles I manually moved up ANOTHER level and delivered her an assessment and discovered there is a ton of overlap between levels. I'm pretty sure pre-alg starts at level 4, but for SURE there is pre-alg at level 5.

I do LOVE that the program is extrememly thorough with regard to material included. I do NOT believe they cover as much at school, no matter what they like to tell me. smile

One tip I discovered late. DD loves to master things, she's a little pathological about it. I asked her to NOT go on to master, that way it does come up later for review. Otherwise, it doesn't. I find this helpful(not sure she does!) because then when I see her correctly do the problem weeks later, I feel more confident that she does have it down concretely.

I also use the Singapore workbooks to go back and for review and make sure she can correctly complete problems on paper since this is how most testing is still delivered.
