Hi Tortoise! Welcome to this site!

I know that, as parents, we tend to stare at the WISC-IV scores until our eyes cross and the page becomes blurry. We hope beyond measure that somewhere within those scores are the keys to deciphering our child and what they need. I know. My son, DD8, took the WISC-IV last December, and I am still trying to understand his scores and what they mean as far as his educational needs. But the one thing that I've learned on this site is that your child's personality may play a much bigger role in his educational needs. The quote around here, which I will probably butcher mercilessly, is that, if you have seen one gifted child, then you have seen one gifted child. They are all completely different, due to personality issues, etc. You can put two kids who have similar GAI next to each other, and they may each need a very different educational solution. One child may be quiet and shy and may be happier staying with their age peers in a classroom full of friends. The other child may be active and may show their boredom in inappropriate ways in the classroom. That would have been my son in K-2nd grade!

So welcome and stay and chat for a while. The best thing about this site is that you can find other moms and dads who are going through similar phases with their kids. It is wonderful to be able to ask, "Does anyone else have a child who does this?" Our kids are all different, but there are a few traits that seem to be common among the group.

So, if you feel like sharing, let us know what lead you to testing on the WISC-IV and how you think the results may influence any school related issues. You said that he has trouble paying attention in school? That sounds familiar! You are in good company here. Hopefully we can help you answer any questions that you may have, and you may add some useful insights for us as well!

Also welcome to you as well, mom23gs! Twin gifted girls, and an older gifted girl as well. Wow! I thought parenting one gifted child was a challenge. All of the above comments should be directed to you as well. It is very interesting to see twins who are such different personalities score so similarly. I know that when I was trying to understand my DS's WISC-IV scores, I checked out a few books from the library (or interlibrary loans) on interpreting WISC-IV scores. I didn't find them too terribly helpful, since most books only have a few sentences on gifted kids and their scores. But you might want to look to see if they say anything about VCI-PRI splits. I agree with your tester, in that it doesn't seems like a big deal. There are plenty of people on here who talk about the difference between Visual-Spatial learning types verses Auditory-Sequential types. I don't know if that would have any correlation to VCI verses PRI or not? My son is very VS, but you may have AS girls. Note, I'm basing that on a guess that the low PRI score reflects a low Block Design subtest (very Visual-Spatial test), which your DD's may have scored well on?). I'm still struggling to understand these different learning types, so others may be more informed. Just thought I would throw that out there! There is so much information on this board that sometimes it is hard to take it all in. So stay and chat. Welcome!

Mom to DS12 and DD3