Thanks, melmichigan! May I ask how much of a time commitment it was? Per week? And for how many weeks? Did you DD participate on a school team that met after school or during school?

The gifted program in DS8's school has these little mini-courses that are offered during the weekly gifted pullout class. She runs about five classes per quarter and the kids (grade 4-6) can sign up for whichever one class they are most interested in. I was wondering if I could get the gifted teacher to create a pullout class for the kids who were interested in participating in Science Olympiad. It sounds like a great idea to me, but I was curious as to how much work it would be before I proposed it to the gifted teacher.

A quick glance at the homeschooling page for Science Olympiad says that your DD may be able to participate on her previous school's team. ?? Just thought I would point that little tidbit out, in case your DD really like it and wanted to continue it. smile

Mom to DS12 and DD3