Hello. I am new here, and I have learned so much just by reading prior posts. Thanks to all of you! However, I do have some questions that I haven't found by searching....

My DD8 was given a WASI IQ Test in early May. Her Standard Scores were:
Vocabulary: 16, 98th Percentile
Similarities: 15, 95th percentile
Block Design: 19, 99.9th percentile
Matrix Reasoning: 16, 98th percentile

Her VIQ is 134, 99th percentile
PIQ is 148, 99.9th percentile
FSIQ is 147, 99.9th percentile

When I asked the tester some questions about the test ceilings, I found out that DD8 only missed 1 question out of 28 on Matrix Reasoning. And apparently the block design subtest has 13 different designs and you get credit if you get it right within the time limit. DD8 got 12 of the 13 right within the time limit (tester said it was very, very good for her age). You get extra points if you get them done within the shortest period of time, but DD8 didn't do that.

Based on what I've read about test ceilings, I asked if we should get her tested on a different test with a higher ceiling. Tester said No, because the WASI doesn't include the subtests that gifted kids aren't as good at (like memory skills). Therefore, tester thinks her FSIQ would actually end up lower on a different test.

I didn't care until I found the school of dreams. It's a public school that only admits those in 99th percentile on SB5. I toured it today and fell in love. Kids are kept with age peers, but since they're all in 99th percentile, they are also intellectual peers (I didn't think such a school existed). Everything about this school seems perfect for DD8! They learn a new language each year, every child has a laptop - that they have to keep at school, so no getting hooked on games yet :-), they go on field trips monthly to learn about the world, they do PE, etc. mixed in with all the other kids, The elementary curriculum is Pre-IB, and those in their high school program get an IB diploma, etc.

So now I'm freaking out about this testing. We are in a pretty bad situation currently where the school has never done anything extra for gifted above the 2.5 hour pullout weekly. They are now trying to do compacting, differentiation, and subject acceleration for DD8, but they have a long way to go before they get it - I think DD8 will be long gone by then....

Does anyone have any other indication of how DD8 will do on the SB5 based on her WASI scores above? When I called to tell DH about the school, I ended up in tears as I was describing it. He thinks I'm totally crazy since I explained that I was crying "because it's so perfect and there's no way she'll ever get in." Only 40% of those who apply get in, and you have to be in the 99th percentile on a Weschler test to even apply! As you can tell by the posting time, I'm losing sleep over this, so any reassurance would be wonderful... but of course, I need honesty too :-) (no pressure)