I also think that perfectionism is part of the mix. Somehow, many of us, particularly the female ones, thing that we should never, ever make a social mistep. As I've learned about how gifted folks can be overly demanding of ourselves, and others, I've been a little more forgiving of my social gaffes. Afterall, how many of us grew up comparing ourselves to the characters in books? Good in someways, but a bit unrealistic, no?

I do also get in trouble for being "too alert." I've mostly learned through trial and error, when to say, "You look upset" and when to pretend that everything is fine. LOL - in my early 20s I was once in a consiousness raising group where all the other women identified as ACoAs (Adult Children of Alcoholics) and after hearing about this trait of being hyperalert to social cues, and hyperjudgemental about social gaffes, were convinces that there must have been a secret alcoholic in the family. To my knowledge there is not, but I wonder about the parallels. Any ideas?

Great Topic, WG!

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