I saw this in another thread and thought I'd pick it out for a thread of its own.

I find my own ability and my boys' abilities to spot social cues way before everyone else does to be a hinderance to socializing.

For example, I can tell when people are getting angry or are being insincere long before other people in a setting can. Naturally, I respond to those cues; I am a social being, after all.

Rite uses those abilities well. He's able to prevent fights, encourage success and help other kids develop their potential. He is a leader. He's a gifted leader. His teachers, friends and the adults in his life notice this and capitalize on it. It benefits Rite (15).

Mite and I, however, are more reactive and less proactive with it. I'm working on this with the Mite, but it is the blind leading the blind.

I'm curious how other gifted kids channel this uncanny and often disconcerting ability?

do you see it in yourself or in other gifted people and kids??

Willa Gayle