I recommend putting in specific assessment goals, as well as concrete next steps based on the outcome of those assessments. For example, we put in ours that DD8 would be tested for Math giftedness using the TOMAGS test, and based on ____ score or better, she would be subject accelerated in math. They added that she would have to take all unit tests for the current grade so we could identify gaps in learning and address those. DD8 is now attending a 4th grade classroom during math and acing it. Some things I should have done better is being specific about what we mean by compacting and differentiation, so I like the specifics recommended above. We were appalled at the way DD8 was given more challenge in Spelling: her teacher just handed her the 4th grade spelling list instead of 3rd grade's on week 2 of school. Then they complained when she didn't do the work (she explained to me in tears that night that she was scared because she didn't know how to spell words like antibacterial and assertive). I thought they knew that she didn't know how to learn yet!! So I wish I had been more specific about how they gave her more challenging work. If your school has more experience with this, perhaps you don't need to spell that out. We also asked them to start a non-age-based "highly" gifted pullout program across the whole school, which they did. DD8 and one other child are in it so far, and it's going very well. Now she has pull-out for 1/2 day twice weekly, which she loves. We also specifically asked for an older child or adult to mentor her in writing and general social things, etc. Now we are starting to lay the groundwork for a grade skip next year. I love the idea of starting with DD8 going to current classroom 1/2 day and next classroom 1/2 day. If we were to test-drive that this year, perhaps the school would be more comfortable with doing a grade skip next year (they've never done one-EVER). I'm new here, but those are the things that I asked for or wish I had. I hope this helps.