Thanks CFK - that language should help me get a start on this. At this point I'll take acceleration or enrichment.

Elisa - I'm in a North Florida District and the current EP specifically says the gifted teacher and the regular teacher are to be involved. District policy references "teachers of the gifted" which should include both, since the kid is gifted no matter whose class she is in.

If there was a full time gifted program anywhere nearby, we'd be there in a flash. Currently researching and negotiating about moving to a gifted magnet in an adjacent SD for next year, but it only starts in 2nd grade and has some distinct negatives as well.

I guess my concern, based on past experience and others' reports is how to get that some of that curriculum compacting and depth, complexity or abstractness in the regular class. As I've heard here before - DD6 is not gifted just one day a week. Those are laudable goals, but I'm looking for a way to demonstrate that they are actually happening, rather than getting a pat on the head.

I'm thinking the objetive for the curriculum compacting would be similar to what CFK mentioned - document two years progress in a single year - using Sunshine State Standards or something like that. We do have specific standards for language arts as well as math and even science now.

I'm also trying to get something that exempts the busy work. Right now DD6 still has to do the basic addition worksheets everyday, before having any opportunity to work at or near her level on the supplementary resources I send.

I've also gone back to my copy of "Re-Forming Gifted Education" and finding some nuggets there. Hopefully a few others might chime in as well. Any and all suggestions are welcome.
