School is supportive but frustrated with him. No behavior plan of any kind yet, but they are beginning the process of doing that now. We have two family psychiatrists for our kids. The older two brothers both have moderate ADHD, one has bipolar and aspergers, the other has anxiety with ADHD (yes, thorough evals to dissemenate the two. I guarantee Vince has ADHD - I wish we could just go "ok, he can't function in the classroom and needs help" but we have to tack a label on him.

I have a call into the one psychiatrist that sees my older son, to see if he'll see the younger one. He only takes insurance on a request basis. He's seen my older son for 5 years now.

Pediatricians here won't dx ADHD - at least my son's won't - I thought they did so I asked.

LD is possible. They are going to check for that. Last night at gymnastics he was just everywhere. Cannot follow the group, getting all over everything, the owner of the place had to intervien (they asked me not to) and really get stern with my son and the instructor had to hold his hand to keep him from being a danger to himself and all the other kids there. He isn't trying to hurt anyone he's just out of control. He does fine in a small setting but can't handle big groups. His older brother had the same problem until he was in 2nd grade.

I appreciate all the advice. I'm just going to keep trying to figure this out. This morning - he was telling me the sounds of all the letters on the fridge, I think he'll be reading before he knows his ABC's. Is that possible? Oye.