My mom actually suggested the professor route. What is funny is that I'm in school (online) for my BS in accounting. My son is constantly asking to do my work!? I don't have the time to teach it to him - but I have no doubt he could do it.

I'm going to look into any programs they might have here. I'm near Sacramento State (near enough) - I bet they may have something.

I like the idea about challenging him more. He loves science experiments (my kitchen doesn't LOL) and he is constantly "building" things out of junk and stuff. I put him in dance to have an outlet and he's thrilled with dance.

So far, clamping down is beginning to have an effect. He got his work done today, all except 15 problems and that was with tooling around town tonight for hours trying to get my youngest son into an after hours clinic (he's fine though).

Anyway, I will see if they have anything. Also, I'm going to see if there are activity books with interesting educational stuff. In 2nd grade the issue was that he was done with his work so fast, then he'd distract the entire class with his antics. I got him an activity book and he was allowed to do that in the interim and he enjoyed it.

Thanks everyone!