If the 1-2-3 teacher is a good fit with DD, that out weights everything. Of course the information you have about Miss4 and the 7 year olds is another positive factor.

And if she's slow to like change, just think how much she'll like being in the 1-2-3 classroom for a good long while.

Looks to me like you caught her red-handed (tounged) dumbing down, and although I value friendships, I only count them as actual friendships when the person can be some reasonalbe facsimile of themselves.

I tenderly broached the subject of DS12's new friends, asking if they are 'in-school-achievers' - the answer is 'no' but DS was quick to point out that his mini-rebels are more accepting of him for who he is than any of the high achievers from his old school. His example is that they saw him do a Rubik's Cube that a friend of a friend had brought to school, and were supportive instead of critical. I'm still hoping for a range of friends - some of whom are 'in-school-achievers' and some of whom are 'non-conformists.' We'll have to watch 'Juno' again.


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