It's true that Miss 4 LOVES hanging out with Miss 7, and in fact I think this is her natural peer group. Unfortunately, Miss 7 has just herself started hanging out with slightly older kids (9 year olds, which tends to be her natural peer group) and it's just too much of a stretch for Miss 4. She's quite grumpy about the change in social dynamics!

I haven't looked at the Iowa Scale. Any chance it's downloadable somewhere on the net?

I do need to take into account that Miss 4 is slow to transition. Very slow. The pp/year 1 skip would allow her to remain with some of her kindy friends - which she would like. But it may allow her to continue hiding amongst them. And she's not going to immediately warm to the teacher. The 1-2-3 class would be a stretch because she would stick out like a sore thumb, obviously the youngest in the class. I don't think she would like to have a spotlight on her. She would however much prefer the 1-2-3 teacher who she's very fond of.

Does she dumb down? Absolutely. When I was reading in class t'other day before the bell, a little friend came over to us. Miss 4 went from reading perfectly to garbled goo-ga in a matter of seconds! Her friend recognised a circle on the page (the letter O) and was obviously not reading. All Miss 4 needed was a chihuaua to complete her pink and fluffy Paris Hilton impersonation...
