Originally Posted by xoxosmom
If I understand correctly subject acceleration is when the child visits a higher grade level for that subject. Is that right? TIA

That's not quite right, although that is certianly how subject acceleration is usually done. Subject acceleration is anything that allows a child to move through the normal curriculum in less than the normal amount of time. Online classes count if the school accepts them as substitutes for the regular class. Working alone, or with a Mentor in the back of the classroom with a Math book from a higher grade and then getting to test out of a grade of math is another example of subject acceleration.

Our school's policy in the elementary years is to offer Differentiation. To them it means that the same old material will be covered at the same pace, only in more depth, perhaps using higher order level of thinking skills. Reading groups are a familiar example of differentiation. I got Wienbrenner's book and cryed my way through it, to think that a classroom could be run so beautifully and respectfully. The problem is that this approach places more work on the teacher than most teachers could possibly do, and also, that once the year is over, the student and advocate are back at square one.

I've heard a Mom's rule of thumb, that differentiation works when the grade is within 2 years of the child's readiness level. Most effective teachers will do differentiation to some degree, but getting differentiation alone to work for HG/PG kids is 'unlikely.' But it makes for wonderful Public Relations.

I think that a combination of all the various stratagies is best, as so much depends on the child.

Good luck on your meeting tommorow. Remember to pace yourself. Things rarely are 'all or nothing' with school meetings. Bring a pad and take notes, and bribe yourself to type the notes up later. It's really helpful to drop an email to the teacher and say, "This is what I heard you saying, do I have it right?"

Good luck,

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