Hi xoxosmom,

You are correct in your understanding of subject acceleration. The school decided to subject accelerate DS7 last year in language arts. He went to a 2nd grade class for L.A. in the morning and then back to his 1st grade class for all the other subjects. I don't really think it was too ideal for him since both of his teachers were new to the school and out for various trainings (and it was never made too clear on where he should go if there was a substitute). There were other times when the 2nd graders were doing state testing and he ended up missing a week or more of class. Other times there were assemblies or events where the schedule changed so he missed out again.
I think if he was allowed to spend the whole time in 2nd grade (with a grade skip) he would have been much happier since his 1st grade class was chaotic and the teacher had some difficult kids to deal with. He also really needed to start the class right at the start of school (it didn't start until almost the end of October which made it more difficult).
Differentiation of curriculum has never come up so I don't have experience with that.
I would say that both you and the teacher could have ideas ready to discuss for acommodation. It sounds like you have been doing a bit of reading which always helps.
Good luck! smile