DS8 wears his "as soft as cloud" socks inside out too! smile He complains abt the other socks being too "hard" but I didn't do anything abt them. I used to have to cut his clothes tag too. When he stopped complaining (I think when he was 5-6yo), I stopped cutting. At home, he is still wearing his 6yo tees because he says they are comfortable! Thks for the checklist! I didn't know there are so many categories!
The other thing I notice abt ds is his extreme taste for sour stuff and food which most kids will pass (even for some adults). He eats passion fruits (more than 4 at one go), grapefruits, lemon... ginger, garlic (raw and cooked), cilantro,basil etc. He is also game to try any food. Also, he gags easily....so no turtlenecks for him!